Iura novit curia - The judge knows the law (technically, there is no need to "explain the law" or the legal system to a judge/justice in any given petition).⏎
Ex factis jus oritur - "The law arises from the facts." A principle in international law that one must take facts on the ground into account when considering the legality of certain kinds of questions.⏎
Ignorantia juris non excusat - "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Not knowing that one's actions are forbidden by the law is not a defense.⏎
Inter arma enim silent leges - "For among arms, the laws fall silent." A concept that during war, many illegal activities occur. Also taken to mean that in times of war, laws are suppressed, ostensibly for the good of the country.⏎
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio - "From a dishonorable cause an action does not arise." A party cannot bring a legal action for consequences of his own illegal act.⏎