Roll up map. Smart data. Smart data. Targeting. Story maps⏎
Third-party targeting. Unstructured data. Quantity. Social data. Retargeting (CRM)⏎
Social media tools. Sale offer. Quantity. Voice of the institution (VOI). Verbatims⏎
Relative performance. Security. Six sigma. Required response rate. Tag management⏎
Unique visitors. Recognition. Unsubscribe rate. Targeting. Tolerable error variance⏎
Target cost per lead (CPL). Response percent. Sensitive pii. Value proposition. Structured data⏎
Roll up map. Verbatims. Unique opens. Target leads. Total opens⏎
Till forbid. Roi or romi (return on marketing investment). Scripts. Retargeting. User experience design⏎
Unsubscribe rate. Representative samples. Site-based retargeting. Representative samples. Rich media⏎
Tag management. Social media marketing. Relevancy. Value proposition. Story maps⏎